
[email protected]

About Me:

Originally from Tucson Arizona, I moved 4 hours north to beautiful Flagstaff to study at NAU.
Its cold winters allowed me to pursue the exciting snowboarding culture.
From hiking to snowy untouched peaks to building ramps in the city, my friends and I did it all.

I spend the Summers doing lots of hiking, backpacking, and camping.
My love for the outdoors pairs perfectly with what Flagstaff and its surroundings have to offer.
My other hobbies include cliff jumping, kayaking, pickleball, chess, disc golf, and videography.

As my class workload has decreased in my last semester, I have shifted my focus to obtaining knowledge that will set me apart from the majority of computer science new grads. A large fraction of my personal time includes extensive research into Python, OOP languages such as Java and C++, machine learning, and scripting languages. I am in search for a company eager to utilize my tenacious work ethic, creative problem-solving skills, and affable personality.